A Week of New Stuff

Hi Gang,

I actually got out of town this weekend and got some much needed R&R at Lake Cumberland in Kentucky. What a relief! You know how you just keep going and going and take care of everyone else but yourself? Well that's been me for a long time, and this summer it seemed that I wasn't making much progress on taking care of me, but that changed this weekend.

It started out with a migraine headache. Ouch! My gal pals gently settled me in the back seat of the car, and I wore my sleeping mask to keep the light out. Yep, I use one of those when the light is unbearable. It helps. I woke up about 2 hours later, a little south of Lexington and an hour after that we entered a great cabin at Woodsen Bend. The weekend was filled with laughter, boating, swimming, sunning and lots of eating.

Please stop by and visit the new http://www.inkwellinspirations.blogspot.com/ I think you'll find it interesting and you'll find me there too! Also, if you get the chance drop by and visit my agent's new site at http://livingwordliterary.wordpress.com/


It’s important to keep putting one foot in front of the other during difficult days as well as good days so that you are consistently moving forward and not backward. If your life experience is anything like mine it’s possible that you hit a snag once in awhile. That snag may be small: you forgot your haircut appointment, or that snag could be huge: your doctor just delivered some bad news and you need surgery. Whatever the situation may be it’s imperative to surround yourself with encouragers, those people who lift you up in prayer, make you laugh when life is gloomy, and are willing to take you out to dinner and buy you a meal, or at least dessert.

Encouragement is a conscious act of sincere spirit boosting that if practiced daily will turn into a wonderful habit that others will appreciate. The smallest act of encouragement from my perspective is the smile. Yes, the smile. Ever walk past someone who says hello, flashes those pearly whites, and seems to have the world at their feet? That could be you! Encouragement is contagious, just like smiles and laughter.

So I encourage you today to take a step foreword and practice the art of the smile. Not only will the receiver be blessed but you will be blessed as well.

About Me

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Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
I'm a writer, counselor and book lover. I'm a believer in the power of perseverance and I know that faith and prayer can get us through the best and worst of times.

American Christian Fiction Writers


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