A Week of New Stuff

Hi Gang,

I actually got out of town this weekend and got some much needed R&R at Lake Cumberland in Kentucky. What a relief! You know how you just keep going and going and take care of everyone else but yourself? Well that's been me for a long time, and this summer it seemed that I wasn't making much progress on taking care of me, but that changed this weekend.

It started out with a migraine headache. Ouch! My gal pals gently settled me in the back seat of the car, and I wore my sleeping mask to keep the light out. Yep, I use one of those when the light is unbearable. It helps. I woke up about 2 hours later, a little south of Lexington and an hour after that we entered a great cabin at Woodsen Bend. The weekend was filled with laughter, boating, swimming, sunning and lots of eating.

Please stop by and visit the new http://www.inkwellinspirations.blogspot.com/ I think you'll find it interesting and you'll find me there too! Also, if you get the chance drop by and visit my agent's new site at http://livingwordliterary.wordpress.com/


  1. Cool to see you on your agent's site. Wow. great photo too.
    well, it's the big week! inkies unite!

    May God bless you and your family today~

  2. Thanks Deb,
    I'm still amazed I have an agent. She's such a sweetie.This has been a fun week with the inkwell site launching. Wish I were an expert at all the stuff Lisa can do. Have a good one!


About Me

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Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
I'm a writer, counselor and book lover. I'm a believer in the power of perseverance and I know that faith and prayer can get us through the best and worst of times.

American Christian Fiction Writers


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