Colorado and American Christian Fiction Writers

Dillon Lake Panorama Pictures, Images and Photos

The week of September 12th was exceptional for me. I spent several days with a friend of mine in Denver and the Rocky Mountains. This picture of Lake Dillon is what it looked like outside our mountain condo. All of us need an opportunity to relax and fill our creative wells, our spiritual wells, and our friendship wells. If we don't take time to do these things we can become dry as the desert.

Following those great few days in the mountains I attended the American Christian Fiction Writers Conference in Denver. I've been to this conference several times before and always learn something valuable. But this time God knocked my socks off. He was in every conversation and I recognized this.

My roommate, Vicki, my buddy Serena and I had a great time reconnecting. I got to meet several of my blogging buddies at and I would encourage you to drop by and visit all of us. I enjoyed meeting editors, attending workshops, volunteering, and participating in a great family reunion of writers who dream big, have a passion for Jesus, encourage each other, and persist despite obstacles large and small.

I returned home exhausted and bleary eyed, coughing and sneezing, and couldn't hear well for 24 hours because my ears were effected from the flight.


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About Me

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Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
I'm a writer, counselor and book lover. I'm a believer in the power of perseverance and I know that faith and prayer can get us through the best and worst of times.

American Christian Fiction Writers


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