
The mist outside my window on the 4th floor of Mountain Laurel is so thick I can just see the outline of nearby trees. Frogs are singing from the little pond below and most of the writers here are still at the evening comedy skit. I needed a power nap and woke up a few minutes ago. It's alomost dark and a few lamps are glowing outside to light the way for those who will soon return to their rooms, exhausted and mind-boggled from the days events.

It's amazing how much I can pack into a day at a writer's conference: three great meals, a continuing education class with Steven James on Writing Suspense, Action and Thrillers, a meeting with my acquisitons editor Debbie Marrie from Strang/Realms, a How to Get It Done, time management classs with Angie Hunt, reviewing the days events with new friends and old ones, and the list just keeps on growing.

Today I was reminded that:
Tension drives the story forward.
Multi-tasking is a myth. It's all about focus.

We can't afford to waste our time.
James 4:14 (New International Version)
14Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

Do you remember the special moments from that last writer's conference you attended? There's nothing like it in my opinion. So much to learn. What's one of the things you've learned that you think others may benefit from hearing about?

Write On!pen Pictures, Images and Photos


  1. It's all about connections, and I don't just mean with the editors and agents, etc. It's about interacting with other writers who "get" you, who inspire you, who encourage you. You feel like you've come home and that you can indeed "do" it!

  2. Hi Mary!
    You're right. It's one of the few places we can go where others "get us." It does feel like you've come home and you get to visit old friends and compare notes and make new friends and share stories. That connection is so important.

  3. I completely agree with what Mary and Jillian said. Connection is so important, as is making the most of what little time we get in our "misty" lives.

    Thanks for a post that has many interesting connections, itself!

    Erin (channeling Patti Lacy,

  4. Hey Erin,
    How is that Patti Lacy? Thanks for posting and visiting.

  5. Hey! That Patti Lacy is finE!!!

    All my moments at writers' conferences seem to avoid food and chats with old and new friends. Um,,,,, like YOU!!!!

    Glad God blessed your time!!


About Me

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Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
I'm a writer, counselor and book lover. I'm a believer in the power of perseverance and I know that faith and prayer can get us through the best and worst of times.

American Christian Fiction Writers


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