Just Enough Light

I needed this reminder today of a book review I did about a month ago over at
http://www.inkwellinspirations.blogspot.com/ If you've been struggling lately you might want to read this and then go see my Poetry Devotional for today over at the inkwell. PEACE.

If you are experiencing a difficult time in your life, or you know someone who is, this is a great book to use while you work your way through painful situations. I don’t say that casually. I’m employed as a full-time counselor for nursing students and have a master’s degree in social work, and I believe this book is a valuable tool for anyone.

Stormie O’Martian discusses how we learn to walk with our heavenly father. This hasn’t always been easy for me because I didn’t grow up having a father in the house, so it was hard to learn to trust God when my earthly father had abandoned me. Perhaps some of you have faced the same experience. Once in awhile I still need a reminder that God is there, and providing just enough light so I don’t get overwhelmed.

I love the image of just enough light because it helps me focus on what I can do today and encourages me not to look too far ahead. It reminds me of the scripture: Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.Matthew 6:33-34.

The Prayer Light in each chapter is a prayer related to the chapter. For instance, on page 36 following the chapter on, Refusing to be Afraid of the Dark, the prayer begins with “Lord thank you that because I walk with you I don’t have to fear the dark.”

Footlights provide a list of several scriptures that shine light on the chapter subject, i.e., Isaiah 50:10.

Stormie offers a study guide at the end of each chapter which is very helpful for further study and insight.


The Bottom Line: If you’re walking in a dark place, a little light will help you find your way.


  1. Beautiful blog! Beautiful book. Stormie rings my bell. Something about her rawness, her splash of reality.

    I will have to check out this one. My last Omartian reads where "the Power..." series.

    It would be fun to be blog partners, when you have the time!!! Yes, I'm gonna give this new thing a go!



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Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
I'm a writer, counselor and book lover. I'm a believer in the power of perseverance and I know that faith and prayer can get us through the best and worst of times.

American Christian Fiction Writers


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