Hi! This blog of mine is now incorporated into my new blog site at www.jilliankent.com I hope that you will follow me there for all the news on my upcoming series: The Ravensmoore Chronicles. Book One: Secrets of the Heart.
I am thrilled to announce that I have a three book contract with Realms new historical romance line at Strang Communications. Yippee! They have agreed to publish my Regency series: The Ravensmoore Chronicles. Book One, Secrets of theHeart, Book Two: Chameleons, and Book Three, Mysteries of the Heart. I will be using the pen name, Jillian Kent. Visit my new website at http://www.jilliankent.com/
Please celebrate with me. This has been a long time coming.:)
I'm very fortunate to announce that Rachelle Gardner has agreed to be my agent. If you are not familiar with Rachelle I highly recommend you visit her blog at :
I'm a writer, counselor and book lover. I'm a believer in the power of perseverance and I know that faith and prayer can get us through the best and worst of times.