It’s that time of year again. Heading into the New Year of 2010. Typically, this means resolutions that will be broken before the month is over. Weight loss and exercise are big on that list among women and probably a lot of guys too. What’s your plan this year?
I’m a one step at a time kind of woman and when I set goals I really want to reach them. In the past when I’ve said I’m going to lose ten pounds or write a book or get rid of clutter I haven’t hung in there very long with my well intentioned resolutions. We all know about good intentions and where they can lead.
I like setting goals instead of making resolutions. What's the differnce you ask? I think from the definitions below you'll see what I'm getting at. To me the idea of making a resolution is that you decide you are going to do something, whereas a goal is a shorter trip in my mind (progress in increments).
a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something
the result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end
When I was doing my Christmas shopping a couple weeks ago I saw this book
and bought it for myself. I knew I liked Julia Cameron and her work. I knew I planned on getting back to the gym after a long bout of pneumonia and I knew other plans hadn't worked well for me.
So can this:
really lead to less pounds?
I've just read the prologue to Cameron's book and I've decided to give it a whirl.
I want to get back to the gym and my hubby bought me a special 12 week program I wanted on getting healthy. I want to lose some weight and get my cholesterol level down a bit. And I want to write another book. I'm aiming at four pages a day. But one note of caution here everyone. I have not read this book yet and as a licensed social worker I encourage you to remember this book is written by a very creative woman, but not a nutritionist or therapist. If you have a serious eating disorder please consult a specialist.
So what's your plan? Goal? or resolution? Care to share?
Smiles and Blessings,